Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Welcome to the documentation for the Truevo Payments API. These APIs provide a unified interface to securely accept and process payment transactions. Using this API, you can perform various payment operations through a uniform, secure and reliable interface. All new integrations are supported with modern REST APIs using the JSON standard for data payloads. Each operation is implemented through a multistep process that supports reliable rapid communication. All operations are performed using a two-step approach. The first step involves requesting a transaction to be performed. The second step is to ask for the outcome of that request. For example, you may request an authorisation to be performed, providing the card details and transaction amount. The system will acknowledge this request. Following this, you will request the information required to determine whether the transaction was successfully authorised. By using a two-step approach, no long-running connection is required. Truevo will immediately respond with an acknowledgement allowing both parties to continue their operations. This limits failures due to poor network conditions; allows for retry and recoverability, and facilitates better resource usage.
Process a single request for both authorisation and capture of a payment amount. This operation is usually performed when a service or product is provided at the time of payment.
idempotencyKey required | string Idempotency allows a request to be retried multiple times without the operation being performed more than once. A unique identifier must be provided in this parameter to identify the request and prevent duplicate processing. It is recommended that you utilize a GUID or similar mechanism. |
authorization required | string Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
required | object (transaction) Details specific to the transaction being processed. |
required | object (merchant) Details specific to the merchant processing the transaction. |
required | object Details related to the card. |
object (initiateSecureEcommerce) Details required to initiate a secure ecommerce payment | |
object (secureEcommerce) Details required for a secure ecommerce payment | |
object (recurringData) Details related to Recurring transactions. | |
object (terminal) Details specific to the card terminal | |
object (customer) Details specific to the customer | |
Array of objects (additionalData) Additional data can be provided in this field. This may be required by Truevo to support certain types of transactions or operations. | |
object (industry) Additional fields for industry. |
{- "transaction": {
- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "transactionUniqueIdentifierForSca": "a99a3920-cbe5-4ec5-af3b-c52d0d7fd866",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "paymentReference": "test-payment-reference",
- "amount": {
- "totalAmount": 100.21,
- "currencyAlphaCode": "EUR",
- "details": {
- "paymentAmount": 90.21,
- "gratuityAmount": 10
}, - "source": "ECOMMERCE"
}, - "merchant": {
- "descriptor": "The Store Name",
- "physicalAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "mid": "99686861",
- "tid": "99868661",
- "subMerchantId": "0ae11d39-a3e2-4bae-bd9f-59fb63c742ef"
}, - "card": {
- "manual": {
- "cardholderName": "Mr John Doe",
- "number": "4444333322221111",
- "expiry": {
- "month": "02",
- "year": "25"
}, - "securityCode": "661"
}, - "magstripe": {
- "magstripeData": "NDg2NjY2MDAwMDAwMDAwNj0yMjEyMjAxMTQ2MTUxOTg=",
- "magstripeKsn": "FFFF9876543210E00001"
}, - "emv": {
- "iccTlvData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
- "pinData": "4E7940159BDBEAC3",
- "pinKsn": "FFFF9876543210E00001",
- "sredData": "pszo9xzm71cP9+5KJ+in1xlqoVzH+zAYSxRIQTvUXqH1ypkdXbdn77E1cz9bb48LoLu4VPW9xDTjO2WRd5ln5yxXfqI79bXzwmJOM0IMCS6z9ceHd75VXoSgD+hugTI8Nmq03lQUKWSoQe11Lv+M97sCKJ3W/GvqhrbsAi6UScFCi60V/wsIdKvOE23r6yUlzDD0vCCgaYadl0Ggr15nUsyG8q750YELJSmQoCDAPF3yR40ZenrHE/3ROkq1QwpZmGgkranj22QkvezYSvWwSemJBlHfdjpUtEPCJeANEKd4zWU0WBhZUs8c5WNWEhacGhp9mo6SuMkBarfP8IaVeXqtUT1mC2EpVWQIpWfyiuBruFMljGZDesjjEKNMMS7XTY8sgwPx4YA=",
- "sredKsn": "FFFF9876543210E00001"
}, - "tokenRegistration": {
- "merchantShopperReference": "jane_at_global_shop",
- "tokenProvider": "Truevo",
- "tokenType": "Recurring"
}, - "tokenPayment": {
- "token": "31434579-84a2-43d4-aa59-236f86aabebf",
- "merchantShopperReference": "jane_at_global_shop",
- "tokenProvider": "Truevo",
- "tokenType": "Recurring",
- "securityCode": "661",
- "googlePaySettings": {
- "gatewayMerchantIdentifier": "a098b46c-f48a-4e03-b02f-3f3b9d65feaa"
}, - "routedPayment": {
- "cardNumber": "string",
- "cardExpiry": {
- "month": "02",
- "year": "25"
}, - "tokenProvider": "Truevo",
- "authenticationMethod": "PanOnly"
}, - "initiateSecureEcommerce": {
- "deviceChannel": "02",
- "messageCategory": "01",
- "additionalInformation": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
}, - "secureEcommerce": {
- "version": "2.2.0",
- "eci": "07",
- "dsTransactionId": "60F50E00-1AF1-4EF2-A6C7-C24444EEFF84",
- "threeDSecureFlow": "CHALLENGE",
- "transactionStatusReason": "Tranaction is being challenged",
- "acsTransactionId": "60F50E00-1AF1-4EF2-A6C7-C24444EEFF84",
- "challengeMandatedIndicator": false,
- "challengeIndicator": "01",
- "exemptionFlag": "01",
- "authenticationType": "01"
}, - "recurring": {
- "recurrenceSource": "Cit",
- "recurrenceType": "Recurring",
- "recurrenceMode": "Initial",
- "transactionTraceId": "MCC9999991231",
- "recurringInstruction": "Subscription"
}, - "terminal": {
- "serialNumber": "Serial-123",
- "deviceType": "Terminal-X",
- "terminalType": "NONE"
}, - "customer": {
- "firstName": "Johan",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "birthDate": "1952-10-23",
- "nationality": "Russian",
- "contact": {
- "email": "",
- "mobile": "0621451245",
- "phone": "0114567452",
- "workPhone": "0114567451",
- "mobilePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "homePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "workPhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "url": "",
- "ip": ""
}, - "companyName": "Private",
- "taxRegistration": "TAX-141414",
- "physicalAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "browser": {
- "browserAcceptHeader": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;",
- "browserJavaScriptEnabled": true,
- "browserJavaEnabled": true,
- "browserLanguage": "en",
- "browserScreenColorDepth": "48",
- "browserScreenHeight": "400",
- "browserScreenWidth": "600",
- "browserTimeZone": "0",
- "browserUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36",
- "browserIPAddress": ""
}, - "identifier": "gdfdi7gxmyoi2imbgknub5aeivq59puto05r"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
], - "industry": {
- "travel": {
- "accommodation": {
- "propertyName": "Valamar Meteor Hotel",
- "propertyReservationNumber": "KH124GH",
- "dateCheckIn": "2023-10-23",
- "dateCheckOut": "2023-10-28",
- "bookingLastName": "Thomson"
}, - "crypto": {
- "walletAddress": "L2hjTJNhjpUTdAVMArh3UqmnTXEVx6J6Faui8cUXCPpyQMUEkJ54",
- "publicAddressIndicator": true,
- "currencyAbbreviation": "BTC",
- "walletSanctionChecked": true,
- "isWalletSanctioned": true
{- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "retrievalReferenceNumber": "000001707706",
- "idempotencyKey": "af46f359fe71",
- "timestampSubmitted": "2021-09-22T09:54:07",
- "amount": {
- "totalAmount": 100.21,
- "currencyAlphaCode": "EUR"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
], - "outcome": {
- "status": "PENDING",
- "transactionStatus": "COMPLETE",
- "responseCode": "00",
- "reasonDescription": "Approved",
- "action": {
- "actionRequired": "Challenge",
- "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
}, - "merchantAdviceCode": "1"
Provide an authorised transaction and request capture for the specified amount. This is not necessary in the case of a sale transaction that is automatically captured.
idempotencyKey required | string Idempotency allows a request to be retried multiple times without the operation being performed more than once. A unique identifier must be provided in this parameter to identify the request and prevent duplicate processing. It is recommended that you utilize a GUID or similar mechanism. |
authorization required | string Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
required | object (referenceTransactionWithRrn) Details specific to the transaction being processed. |
required | object (merchantDetails) Details specific to the merchant in the Truevo System. |
object (customer) Details specific to the customer | |
Array of objects (additionalData) Additional data can be provided in this field. This may be required by Truevo to support certain types of transactions or operations. |
{- "transaction": {
- "originalTransactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "retrievalReferenceNumber": "000001707706",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "paymentReference": "test-payment-reference",
- "amount": {
- "totalAmount": 100.21,
- "currencyAlphaCode": "EUR"
}, - "source": "ECOMMERCE"
}, - "merchant": {
- "mid": "99686861",
- "tid": "99868661",
- "subMerchantId": "0ae11d39-a3e2-4bae-bd9f-59fb63c742ef"
}, - "customer": {
- "firstName": "Johan",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "birthDate": "1952-10-23",
- "nationality": "Russian",
- "contact": {
- "email": "",
- "mobile": "0621451245",
- "phone": "0114567452",
- "workPhone": "0114567451",
- "mobilePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "homePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "workPhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "url": "",
- "ip": ""
}, - "companyName": "Private",
- "taxRegistration": "TAX-141414",
- "physicalAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "browser": {
- "browserAcceptHeader": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;",
- "browserJavaScriptEnabled": true,
- "browserJavaEnabled": true,
- "browserLanguage": "en",
- "browserScreenColorDepth": "48",
- "browserScreenHeight": "400",
- "browserScreenWidth": "600",
- "browserTimeZone": "0",
- "browserUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36",
- "browserIPAddress": ""
}, - "identifier": "gdfdi7gxmyoi2imbgknub5aeivq59puto05r"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
{- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "retrievalReferenceNumber": "000001707706",
- "idempotencyKey": "af46f359fe71",
- "timestampSubmitted": "2021-09-22T09:54:07",
- "amount": {
- "totalAmount": 100.21,
- "currencyAlphaCode": "EUR"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
], - "outcome": {
- "status": "PENDING",
- "transactionStatus": "COMPLETE",
- "responseCode": "00",
- "reasonDescription": "Approved",
- "action": {
- "actionRequired": "Challenge",
- "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
}, - "merchantAdviceCode": "1"
Void the transaction and reverse it's effects. This operation can only be performed until a cut-off point for the transaction.
idempotencyKey required | string Idempotency allows a request to be retried multiple times without the operation being performed more than once. A unique identifier must be provided in this parameter to identify the request and prevent duplicate processing. It is recommended that you utilize a GUID or similar mechanism. |
authorization required | string Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
required | object (reverseTransaction) Details specific to the transaction being processed. |
required | object (merchantDetails) Details specific to the merchant in the Truevo System. |
object (customer) Details specific to the customer | |
Array of objects (additionalData) Additional data can be provided in this field. This may be required by Truevo to support certain types of transactions or operations. |
{- "transaction": {
- "originalTransactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "paymentReference": "test-payment-reference",
- "transactionType": "SALE",
- "source": "ECOMMERCE"
}, - "merchant": {
- "mid": "99686861",
- "tid": "99868661",
- "subMerchantId": "0ae11d39-a3e2-4bae-bd9f-59fb63c742ef"
}, - "customer": {
- "firstName": "Johan",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "birthDate": "1952-10-23",
- "nationality": "Russian",
- "contact": {
- "email": "",
- "mobile": "0621451245",
- "phone": "0114567452",
- "workPhone": "0114567451",
- "mobilePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "homePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "workPhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "url": "",
- "ip": ""
}, - "companyName": "Private",
- "taxRegistration": "TAX-141414",
- "physicalAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "browser": {
- "browserAcceptHeader": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;",
- "browserJavaScriptEnabled": true,
- "browserJavaEnabled": true,
- "browserLanguage": "en",
- "browserScreenColorDepth": "48",
- "browserScreenHeight": "400",
- "browserScreenWidth": "600",
- "browserTimeZone": "0",
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- "browserIPAddress": ""
}, - "identifier": "gdfdi7gxmyoi2imbgknub5aeivq59puto05r"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
{- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "retrievalReferenceNumber": "000001707706",
- "idempotencyKey": "af46f359fe71",
- "timestampSubmitted": "2021-09-22T09:54:07",
- "amount": {
- "totalAmount": 100.21,
- "currencyAlphaCode": "EUR"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
], - "outcome": {
- "status": "PENDING",
- "transactionStatus": "COMPLETE",
- "responseCode": "00",
- "reasonDescription": "Approved",
- "action": {
- "actionRequired": "Challenge",
- "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
}, - "merchantAdviceCode": "1"
Process a single request for a refund of a linked transaction.
idempotencyKey required | string Idempotency allows a request to be retried multiple times without the operation being performed more than once. A unique identifier must be provided in this parameter to identify the request and prevent duplicate processing. It is recommended that you utilize a GUID or similar mechanism. |
authorization required | string Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
required | object (referenceTransaction) Details specific to the transaction being processed. |
required | object (merchantDetails) Details specific to the merchant in the Truevo System. |
object (customer) Details specific to the customer | |
Array of objects (additionalData) Additional data can be provided in this field. This may be required by Truevo to support certain types of transactions or operations. |
{- "transaction": {
- "originalTransactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "paymentReference": "test-payment-reference",
- "amount": {
- "totalAmount": 100.21,
- "currencyAlphaCode": "EUR"
}, - "source": "ECOMMERCE"
}, - "merchant": {
- "mid": "99686861",
- "tid": "99868661",
- "subMerchantId": "0ae11d39-a3e2-4bae-bd9f-59fb63c742ef"
}, - "customer": {
- "firstName": "Johan",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "birthDate": "1952-10-23",
- "nationality": "Russian",
- "contact": {
- "email": "",
- "mobile": "0621451245",
- "phone": "0114567452",
- "workPhone": "0114567451",
- "mobilePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "homePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "workPhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "url": "",
- "ip": ""
}, - "companyName": "Private",
- "taxRegistration": "TAX-141414",
- "physicalAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "browser": {
- "browserAcceptHeader": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;",
- "browserJavaScriptEnabled": true,
- "browserJavaEnabled": true,
- "browserLanguage": "en",
- "browserScreenColorDepth": "48",
- "browserScreenHeight": "400",
- "browserScreenWidth": "600",
- "browserTimeZone": "0",
- "browserUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36",
- "browserIPAddress": ""
}, - "identifier": "gdfdi7gxmyoi2imbgknub5aeivq59puto05r"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
{- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "retrievalReferenceNumber": "000001707706",
- "idempotencyKey": "af46f359fe71",
- "timestampSubmitted": "2021-09-22T09:54:07",
- "amount": {
- "totalAmount": 100.21,
- "currencyAlphaCode": "EUR"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
], - "outcome": {
- "status": "PENDING",
- "transactionStatus": "COMPLETE",
- "responseCode": "00",
- "reasonDescription": "Approved",
- "action": {
- "actionRequired": "Challenge",
- "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
}, - "merchantAdviceCode": "1"
Process a single request for refund.
idempotencyKey required | string Idempotency allows a request to be retried multiple times without the operation being performed more than once. A unique identifier must be provided in this parameter to identify the request and prevent duplicate processing. It is recommended that you utilize a GUID or similar mechanism. |
authorization required | string Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
required | object (transaction) Details specific to the transaction being processed. |
required | object (merchant) Details specific to the merchant processing the transaction. |
required | object Details related to the card. |
object (terminal) Details specific to the card terminal | |
object (customer) Details specific to the customer | |
Array of objects (additionalData) Additional data can be provided in this field. This may be required by Truevo to support certain types of transactions or operations. |
{- "transaction": {
- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "transactionUniqueIdentifierForSca": "a99a3920-cbe5-4ec5-af3b-c52d0d7fd866",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "paymentReference": "test-payment-reference",
- "amount": {
- "totalAmount": 100.21,
- "currencyAlphaCode": "EUR",
- "details": {
- "paymentAmount": 90.21,
- "gratuityAmount": 10
}, - "source": "ECOMMERCE"
}, - "merchant": {
- "descriptor": "The Store Name",
- "physicalAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "mid": "99686861",
- "tid": "99868661",
- "subMerchantId": "0ae11d39-a3e2-4bae-bd9f-59fb63c742ef"
}, - "card": {
- "manual": {
- "cardholderName": "Mr John Doe",
- "number": "4444333322221111",
- "expiry": {
- "month": "02",
- "year": "25"
}, - "securityCode": "661"
}, - "magstripe": {
- "magstripeData": "NDg2NjY2MDAwMDAwMDAwNj0yMjEyMjAxMTQ2MTUxOTg=",
- "magstripeKsn": "FFFF9876543210E00001"
}, - "emv": {
- "iccTlvData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
- "pinData": "4E7940159BDBEAC3",
- "pinKsn": "FFFF9876543210E00001",
- "sredData": "pszo9xzm71cP9+5KJ+in1xlqoVzH+zAYSxRIQTvUXqH1ypkdXbdn77E1cz9bb48LoLu4VPW9xDTjO2WRd5ln5yxXfqI79bXzwmJOM0IMCS6z9ceHd75VXoSgD+hugTI8Nmq03lQUKWSoQe11Lv+M97sCKJ3W/GvqhrbsAi6UScFCi60V/wsIdKvOE23r6yUlzDD0vCCgaYadl0Ggr15nUsyG8q750YELJSmQoCDAPF3yR40ZenrHE/3ROkq1QwpZmGgkranj22QkvezYSvWwSemJBlHfdjpUtEPCJeANEKd4zWU0WBhZUs8c5WNWEhacGhp9mo6SuMkBarfP8IaVeXqtUT1mC2EpVWQIpWfyiuBruFMljGZDesjjEKNMMS7XTY8sgwPx4YA=",
- "sredKsn": "FFFF9876543210E00001"
}, - "terminal": {
- "serialNumber": "Serial-123",
- "deviceType": "Terminal-X",
- "terminalType": "NONE"
}, - "customer": {
- "firstName": "Johan",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "birthDate": "1952-10-23",
- "nationality": "Russian",
- "contact": {
- "email": "",
- "mobile": "0621451245",
- "phone": "0114567452",
- "workPhone": "0114567451",
- "mobilePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "homePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "workPhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "url": "",
- "ip": ""
}, - "companyName": "Private",
- "taxRegistration": "TAX-141414",
- "physicalAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "browser": {
- "browserAcceptHeader": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;",
- "browserJavaScriptEnabled": true,
- "browserJavaEnabled": true,
- "browserLanguage": "en",
- "browserScreenColorDepth": "48",
- "browserScreenHeight": "400",
- "browserScreenWidth": "600",
- "browserTimeZone": "0",
- "browserUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36",
- "browserIPAddress": ""
}, - "identifier": "gdfdi7gxmyoi2imbgknub5aeivq59puto05r"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
{- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "retrievalReferenceNumber": "000001707706",
- "idempotencyKey": "af46f359fe71",
- "timestampSubmitted": "2021-09-22T09:54:07",
- "amount": {
- "totalAmount": 100.21,
- "currencyAlphaCode": "EUR"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
], - "outcome": {
- "status": "PENDING",
- "transactionStatus": "COMPLETE",
- "responseCode": "00",
- "reasonDescription": "Approved",
- "action": {
- "actionRequired": "Challenge",
- "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
}, - "merchantAdviceCode": "1"
Process a single request for an original credit transfer.
idempotencyKey required | string Idempotency allows a request to be retried multiple times without the operation being performed more than once. A unique identifier must be provided in this parameter to identify the request and prevent duplicate processing. It is recommended that you utilize a GUID or similar mechanism. |
authorization required | string Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
required | object (originalCreditTransferTransaction) Details specific to the transaction being processed. |
required | object (merchant) Details specific to the merchant processing the transaction. |
required | object Details related to the card. |
object (terminal) Details specific to the card terminal | |
object (customer) Details specific to the customer | |
Array of objects (additionalData) Additional data can be provided in this field. This may be required by Truevo to support certain types of transactions or operations. | |
object (sender) Details specific to the sender (OCT Money Transfer) |
{- "transaction": {
- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "transactionUniqueIdentifierForSca": "a99a3920-cbe5-4ec5-af3b-c52d0d7fd866",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "paymentReference": "test-payment-reference",
- "amount": {
- "totalAmount": 100.21,
- "currencyAlphaCode": "EUR",
- "details": {
- "paymentAmount": 90.21,
- "gratuityAmount": 10
}, - "source": "ECOMMERCE",
- "purposeOfPaymentCode": "ISACCT"
}, - "merchant": {
- "descriptor": "The Store Name",
- "physicalAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "mid": "99686861",
- "tid": "99868661",
- "subMerchantId": "0ae11d39-a3e2-4bae-bd9f-59fb63c742ef",
- "fundsTransferIdentifier": "Account2Account"
}, - "card": {
- "manual": {
- "cardholderName": "Mr John Doe",
- "number": "4444333322221111",
- "expiry": {
- "month": "02",
- "year": "25"
}, - "securityCode": "661"
}, - "magstripe": {
- "magstripeData": "NDg2NjY2MDAwMDAwMDAwNj0yMjEyMjAxMTQ2MTUxOTg=",
- "magstripeKsn": "FFFF9876543210E00001"
}, - "emv": {
- "iccTlvData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
- "pinData": "4E7940159BDBEAC3",
- "pinKsn": "FFFF9876543210E00001",
- "sredData": "pszo9xzm71cP9+5KJ+in1xlqoVzH+zAYSxRIQTvUXqH1ypkdXbdn77E1cz9bb48LoLu4VPW9xDTjO2WRd5ln5yxXfqI79bXzwmJOM0IMCS6z9ceHd75VXoSgD+hugTI8Nmq03lQUKWSoQe11Lv+M97sCKJ3W/GvqhrbsAi6UScFCi60V/wsIdKvOE23r6yUlzDD0vCCgaYadl0Ggr15nUsyG8q750YELJSmQoCDAPF3yR40ZenrHE/3ROkq1QwpZmGgkranj22QkvezYSvWwSemJBlHfdjpUtEPCJeANEKd4zWU0WBhZUs8c5WNWEhacGhp9mo6SuMkBarfP8IaVeXqtUT1mC2EpVWQIpWfyiuBruFMljGZDesjjEKNMMS7XTY8sgwPx4YA=",
- "sredKsn": "FFFF9876543210E00001"
}, - "terminal": {
- "serialNumber": "Serial-123",
- "deviceType": "Terminal-X",
- "terminalType": "NONE"
}, - "customer": {
- "firstName": "Johan",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "birthDate": "1952-10-23",
- "nationality": "Russian",
- "contact": {
- "email": "",
- "mobile": "0621451245",
- "phone": "0114567452",
- "workPhone": "0114567451",
- "mobilePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "homePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "workPhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "url": "",
- "ip": ""
}, - "companyName": "Private",
- "taxRegistration": "TAX-141414",
- "physicalAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "browser": {
- "browserAcceptHeader": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;",
- "browserJavaScriptEnabled": true,
- "browserJavaEnabled": true,
- "browserLanguage": "en",
- "browserScreenColorDepth": "48",
- "browserScreenHeight": "400",
- "browserScreenWidth": "600",
- "browserTimeZone": "0",
- "browserUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36",
- "browserIPAddress": ""
}, - "identifier": "gdfdi7gxmyoi2imbgknub5aeivq59puto05r"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
], - "sender": {
- "accountNumber": "4761340000000019",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "sourceOfFunds": "Credit",
- "physicalAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "identification": {
- "type": "BirthDate",
- "number": "20231124",
- "countryOfOrigin": "BR"
{- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "retrievalReferenceNumber": "000001707706",
- "idempotencyKey": "af46f359fe71",
- "timestampSubmitted": "2021-09-22T09:54:07",
- "amount": {
- "totalAmount": 100.21,
- "currencyAlphaCode": "EUR"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
], - "outcome": {
- "status": "PENDING",
- "transactionStatus": "COMPLETE",
- "responseCode": "00",
- "reasonDescription": "Approved",
- "action": {
- "actionRequired": "Challenge",
- "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
}, - "merchantAdviceCode": "1"
Process a single request for a linked original credit transfer.
idempotencyKey required | string Idempotency allows a request to be retried multiple times without the operation being performed more than once. A unique identifier must be provided in this parameter to identify the request and prevent duplicate processing. It is recommended that you utilize a GUID or similar mechanism. |
authorization required | string Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
required | object (referenceTransaction) Details specific to the transaction being processed. |
required | object (merchantDetails) Details specific to the merchant in the Truevo System. |
object (customer) Details specific to the customer | |
Array of objects (additionalData) Additional data can be provided in this field. This may be required by Truevo to support certain types of transactions or operations. |
{- "transaction": {
- "originalTransactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "paymentReference": "test-payment-reference",
- "amount": {
- "totalAmount": 100.21,
- "currencyAlphaCode": "EUR"
}, - "source": "ECOMMERCE"
}, - "merchant": {
- "mid": "99686861",
- "tid": "99868661",
- "subMerchantId": "0ae11d39-a3e2-4bae-bd9f-59fb63c742ef"
}, - "customer": {
- "firstName": "Johan",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "birthDate": "1952-10-23",
- "nationality": "Russian",
- "contact": {
- "email": "",
- "mobile": "0621451245",
- "phone": "0114567452",
- "workPhone": "0114567451",
- "mobilePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "homePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "workPhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "url": "",
- "ip": ""
}, - "companyName": "Private",
- "taxRegistration": "TAX-141414",
- "physicalAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "street1": "Address Line 1",
- "street2": "Address Line 2",
- "city": "Address City",
- "state": "Address State",
- "postCodeZip": "27541",
- "countryAlphaCode": "MT"
}, - "browser": {
- "browserAcceptHeader": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;",
- "browserJavaScriptEnabled": true,
- "browserJavaEnabled": true,
- "browserLanguage": "en",
- "browserScreenColorDepth": "48",
- "browserScreenHeight": "400",
- "browserScreenWidth": "600",
- "browserTimeZone": "0",
- "browserUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36",
- "browserIPAddress": ""
}, - "identifier": "gdfdi7gxmyoi2imbgknub5aeivq59puto05r"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
{- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "retrievalReferenceNumber": "000001707706",
- "idempotencyKey": "af46f359fe71",
- "timestampSubmitted": "2021-09-22T09:54:07",
- "amount": {
- "totalAmount": 100.21,
- "currencyAlphaCode": "EUR"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
], - "outcome": {
- "status": "PENDING",
- "transactionStatus": "COMPLETE",
- "responseCode": "00",
- "reasonDescription": "Approved",
- "action": {
- "actionRequired": "Challenge",
- "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
}, - "merchantAdviceCode": "1"
Void the transaction and reverse it's effects. This operation can only be performed until a cut-off point for the transaction.
idempotencyKey required | string Idempotency allows a request to be retried multiple times without the operation being performed more than once. A unique identifier must be provided in this parameter to identify the request and prevent duplicate processing. It is recommended that you utilize a GUID or similar mechanism. |
authorization required | string Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
required | object (autoReverseTransaction) Details specific to the transaction being processed. |
required | object (merchantDetails) Details specific to the merchant in the Truevo System. |
{- "transaction": {
- "originalTransactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "transactionType": "SALE",
- "source": "ECOMMERCE"
}, - "merchant": {
- "mid": "99686861",
- "tid": "99868661",
- "subMerchantId": "0ae11d39-a3e2-4bae-bd9f-59fb63c742ef"
{- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "idempotencyKey": "af46f359fe71",
- "timestamp": "2021-09-22T09:54:07",
- "outcome": {
- "status": "PENDING",
- "transactionStatus": "COMPLETE",
- "responseCode": "05",
- "reasonDescription": "Declined"
Void the transaction and reverse it's effects. This operation can only be performed until a cut-off point for the transaction.
idempotencyKey required | string Idempotency allows a request to be retried multiple times without the operation being performed more than once. A unique identifier must be provided in this parameter to identify the request and prevent duplicate processing. It is recommended that you utilize a GUID or similar mechanism. |
authorization required | string Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
required | object (idempotencyAutoReverseTransaction) Details specific to the transaction being processed. |
required | object (merchantDetails) Details specific to the merchant in the Truevo System. |
{- "transaction": {
- "idempotencyKey": "af46f359fe71",
- "transactionType": "SALE",
- "source": "ECOMMERCE"
}, - "merchant": {
- "mid": "99686861",
- "tid": "99868661",
- "subMerchantId": "0ae11d39-a3e2-4bae-bd9f-59fb63c742ef"
{- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "idempotencyKey": "af46f359fe71",
- "timestamp": "2021-09-22T09:54:07",
- "outcome": {
- "status": "PENDING",
- "transactionStatus": "COMPLETE",
- "responseCode": "05",
- "reasonDescription": "Declined"
Retrieve the status of a previously submitted transaction. The applicable transaction identifier must be provided for the transaction in question.
transactionUniqueIdentifier required | string Example: transactionUniqueIdentifier=fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71 The unique identifier of the transaction for which you want to query. |
merchantIdentifier | string Example: merchantIdentifier=99686861 The unique identifier issued to the merchant by Truevo. |
terminalIdentifier | string Example: terminalIdentifier=99868661 The unique terminal identifier issued to the merchant by Truevo. |
authorization required | string Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
{- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "retrievalReferenceNumber": "000001707706",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "idempotencyKey": "af46f359fe71",
- "timestampSubmitted": "2021-09-22T09:54:07",
- "timestampProcessed": "2021-09-22T09:54:07",
- "authCode": "ABCD1234",
- "transactionTraceId": "0ae11d39-a3e2-4bae-bd9f-59fb63c742ef",
- "emv": {
- "iccTlvData": "8A023030"
}, - "amount": {
- "totalAmount": 100.21,
- "currencyAlphaCode": "EUR"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
], - "tokenData": {
- "token": "31434579-84a2-43d4-aa59-236f86aabebf",
- "merchantShopperReference": "jane_at_global_shop",
- "tokenType": "Recurring",
- "cardDetails": {
- "cardholderName": "Mr John Doe",
- "brand": "Visa",
- "firstDigits": "412435",
- "lastDigits": "3456",
- "expiryYear": "21",
- "expiryMonth": "06"
}, - "outcome": {
- "status": "PENDING",
- "transactionStatus": "COMPLETE",
- "responseCode": "00",
- "reasonDescription": "Approved",
- "action": {
- "actionRequired": "Challenge",
- "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
}, - "merchantAdviceCode": "1"
This is the second step in a sequence of steps that need to be completed in order to process a 3DS authorised payment as part of the transaction process.
transactionUniqueIdentifier required | string Unique identifier previously generated for a transaction. |
transactionStatus required | string (threeDSTransactionStatusEnum) Enum: "Successful" "NotAuthenticated" "Unsuccessful" "Unactioned" Indicate the 3ds transaction status |
object (secureEcommerce) Details required for a secure ecommerce payment | |
Array of objects (additionalData) Additional data can be provided in this field. This may be required by Truevo to support certain types of transactions or operations. |
{- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "string",
- "transactionStatus": "Successful",
- "secureEcommerce": {
- "version": "2.2.0",
- "eci": "07",
- "dsTransactionId": "60F50E00-1AF1-4EF2-A6C7-C24444EEFF84",
- "threeDSecureFlow": "CHALLENGE",
- "transactionStatusReason": "Tranaction is being challenged",
- "acsTransactionId": "60F50E00-1AF1-4EF2-A6C7-C24444EEFF84",
- "challengeMandatedIndicator": false,
- "challengeIndicator": "01",
- "exemptionFlag": "01",
- "authenticationType": "01"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
{- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "fac3ce40-0c4d-45f5-964a-af46f359fe71",
- "merchantReference": "test-merchant-reference",
- "retrievalReferenceNumber": "000001707706",
- "idempotencyKey": "af46f359fe71",
- "timestampSubmitted": "2021-09-22T09:54:07",
- "amount": {
- "totalAmount": 100.21,
- "currencyAlphaCode": "EUR"
}, - "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
], - "outcome": {
- "status": "PENDING",
- "transactionStatus": "COMPLETE",
- "responseCode": "00",
- "reasonDescription": "Approved",
- "action": {
- "actionRequired": "Challenge",
- "additionalData": [
- {
- "key": "CustomKey1",
- "value": "Additional data item value"
}, - "merchantAdviceCode": "1"
3D-Secure Services. This section contains the endpoints for performing a standalone 3D-Secure full flow. This allows you to integrate the Truevo 3D-Secure Server in your own payment flow.
This endpiont will initiate the 3DS Server flow. This endpoint will recieve all data required to complete the 3DS Transaction. The endpoint will return one of 3 responses 1. Method data 2. Succesfull Completetion of 3DS Transaction 3. Challange Required.
This class contains the required information needed to get the method data.
object (threeDSBrowserInformation) This class contains all the browser information for the authentication request. | |
object (threeDSPurchaseInformation) This class contains all the purchase information for the authentication request. | |
object (threeDSMerchantInformation) This class contains all the merchant information for the authentication request. | |
object (threeDSAddress) This class contains all the billing information for the authentication request. | |
object (threeDSCardholderInformation) This class contains all the cardholder information for the authentication request. | |
object (threeDSAddress) This class contains all the billing information for the authentication request. | |
object (threeDSAddtionalInformation) This class contains all the addtional information for the authentication request. | |
deviceChannel | string Default: "02" This field indicates the type of channel interface being used to initiate the transaction. 01=App-Based, 02=Browser, 03=3DS Requestor Initiated (3RI) |
messageCategory | string Default: "01" This field identifies the category of the message (Payment Authentication or Non-Payment Authentication). 01=PA (Payment Authentication), 02=NPA (Non-Payment Authentication) |
notificationURL required | string This property specifies the URL to which the final challenge response is POSTed in a browser-based flow. |
methodNotifcaitonURL required | string This field indicates the URL that the ACS will post back to once the ACS has gathered all data of the browser. This will be a URL on the merchant side. |
{- "browserInformation": {
- "browserAcceptHeader": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml; q : 0.9,*/*;q:0.8",
- "browserIPAddress": "",
- "browserJavaScriptEnabled": true,
- "browserJavaEnabled": true,
- "browserLanguage": "en",
- "browserScreenColorDepth": "48",
- "browserScreenHeight": "400",
- "browserScreenWidth": "600",
- "browserTimeZone": "0",
- "browserUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0"
}, - "purchaseInformation": {
- "amount": 100,
- "date": "2017-07-21",
- "currencyNumericCode": "840"
}, - "merchantInformation": {
- "merchantURL": "",
- "name": "Johns Store",
- "merchantId": "99686861",
- "merchantCategoryCode": "Test",
- "merchantCountryCode": "Test"
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "city": "City Name",
- "countryNumericCode": "158",
- "addressLine1": "Address Line 1",
- "addressLine2": "Address Line 2",
- "addressLine3": "Address Line 3",
- "addressPostalCode": "27517",
- "addressState": "TPE"
}, - "cardholderInformation": {
- "cardNumber": "4444333322221111",
- "brand": "Visa",
- "expiryDate": "2101",
- "email": "",
- "homePhone": "123-123456789",
- "mobilePhone": "123-123456789",
- "workPhone": "123-123456789",
- "mobilePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "homePhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "workPhoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": "27",
- "subscriber": "0164569872"
}, - "name": "Cardholder Name"
}, - "shippingAddress": {
- "city": "City Name",
- "countryNumericCode": "158",
- "addressLine1": "Address Line 1",
- "addressLine2": "Address Line 2",
- "addressLine3": "Address Line 3",
- "addressPostalCode": "27517",
- "addressState": "TPE"
}, - "addtionalInformation": {
- "giftCard": {
- "amount": 123,
- "currencyNumericCode": "840",
- "count": "2"
}, - "decoupledMaxTimeout": 10,
- "decoupledRequestIndicator": "N",
- "requestorChallengeInd": "01",
- "recurringExpiryDate": "2017-07-21",
- "recurringFrequency": "30",
- "whiteListStatus": "Y",
- "whiteListStatusSource": "01",
- "reqAuthMethod": "01",
- "shipIndicator": "01",
- "deliveryTimeframe": "01",
- "deliveryEmailAddress": "",
- "reorderItemsIndicator": "01",
- "preOrderPurchaseIndicator": "01",
- "preOrderDate": "2017-07-21",
- "outgoingRawExtensions": "{\"transactionUniqueIdentifier\": \"332b91d7-e1c5-4294-9d2e-0f138fcd276e\"}",
- "threeRIIndicator": "01",
- "methodCompletionIndicator": "Y",
- "resultsURL": "",
- "accountType": "01",
- "purchaseExponent": 2,
- "requestorId": "Test",
- "requestorName": "Test",
- "acquirerBin": "Test",
- "exemptionFlag": "string"
}, - "deviceChannel": "02",
- "messageCategory": "01",
{- "authenticationECI": "05",
- "authenticationValue": "AAABBZEEBgAAAAAAAAQGAAAAAAA=",
- "transactionStatus": "Successful",
- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "1f9b847b-8372-48fe-ade9-b628d3199d0e",
- "acsOperatorID": "ACS-V210-SOUTH-BAN-2121",
- "acsTransID": "1f9b847b-8372-48fe-ade9-b628d3199d0e",
- "acsReferenceNumber": "3DS_LOA_ACS_MOBL_1_1",
- "authenticationType": "03",
- "acsChallengeMandated": "Y",
- "dsReferenceNumber": "VISA.V 1 0222",
- "dsTransID": "1f9b847b-8372-48fe-ade9-b628d3199d0e",
- "transStatus": "C",
- "resultsStatus": "01",
- "transStatusReason": "01",
- "outcome": {
- "status": "FAILURE",
- "responseCode": "U01",
- "reasonDescription": "Internal Server Error."
}, - "resultCode": "TransactionAuthorised",
- "messageVersion": "string"
This endpoint will return the 3DS Transaction Information.
transactionUniqueIdentifier required | string <uuid> Example: transactionUniqueIdentifier=f5819e1a-b759-494b-b1f4-c7b3bafafd7c The unique identifier for the transaction. |
{- "authenticationECI": "05",
- "authenticationValue": "AAABBZEEBgAAAAAAAAQGAAAAAAA=",
- "transactionStatus": "Successful",
- "messageVersion": "string",
- "acsOperatorID": "ACS-V210-SOUTH-BAN-2121",
- "acsTransID": "1f9b847b-8372-48fe-ade9-b628d3199d0e",
- "acsReferenceNumber": "3DS_LOA_ACS_MOBL_1_1",
- "authenticationType": "03",
- "acsChallengeMandated": "Y",
- "dsReferenceNumber": "VISA.V 1 0222",
- "dsTransID": "1f9b847b-8372-48fe-ade9-b628d3199d0e",
- "transStatus": "C",
- "resultsStatus": "01",
- "transStatusReason": "01",
- "outcome": {
- "status": "FAILURE",
- "responseCode": "U01",
- "reasonDescription": "Internal Server Error."
Tokenization Services. This section contains the tokenization endpoints Tokenization, when applied to data security, is the process of substituting a sensitive data element with a non-sensitive equivalent, referred to as a token, that has no extrinsic or exploitable meaning or value.
Gets the card details of all the records by provided user id and shopper id
merchantShopperReference | string <uuid> Example: merchantShopperReference=f5819e1a-b759-494b-b1f4-c7b3bafafd7c A unique identifier for a specific merchant customer. |
authorization required | string Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
{- "tokens": [
- {
- "token": "31434579-84a2-43d4-aa59-236f86aabebf",
- "tokenType": "Recurring",
- "merchantShopperReference": "jane_at_global_shop",
- "cardInformation": {
- "cardholderName": "Mr Joe Doe",
- "brand": "Visa",
- "firstDigits": "412435",
- "lastDigits": "5412",
- "expiryYear": "25",
- "expiryMonth": "12"
}, - "isDefault": true
], - "outcome": {
- "status": "FAILURE",
- "responseCode": "U01",
- "reasonDescription": "Internal Server Error."
Remove all the saved records that relate to both provided user id and shopper id
merchantShopperReference required | string <uuid> Example: merchantShopperReference=f5819e1a-b759-494b-b1f4-c7b3bafafd7c A unique identifier for a specific merchant customer. |
authorization required | string Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
{- "status": "FAILURE",
- "responseCode": "U01",
- "reasonDescription": "Internal Server Error."
Removes the record based on the provided token, user id, shopper id and token type
token required | string <uuid> Example: 31434579-84a2-43d4-aa59-236f86aabebf Encrypted string, associated with card details |
merchantShopperReference | string <uuid> Example: merchantShopperReference=f5819e1a-b759-494b-b1f4-c7b3bafafd7c A unique identifier for a specific merchant customer. |
tokenType required | string (tokenTypeEnum) Enum: "Recurring" "OneClickPayment" Example: tokenType=Recurring The type of the payment that uses tokenization |
authorization required | string Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
{- "status": "FAILURE",
- "responseCode": "U01",
- "reasonDescription": "Internal Server Error."
All the card details could be updated for a specific token except for the card number
token required | string <uuid> Example: 31434579-84a2-43d4-aa59-236f86aabebf |
authorization required | string Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
Request body for endpoint updating the stored card details
merchantShopperReference | string <uuid> The ID of the specific shopper |
tokenType required | string (tokenTypeEnum) Enum: "Recurring" "OneClickPayment" The type of the payment that uses tokenization |
cardholderName | string The name of the owner of the card |
expiryYear | string The year of expiration of the card. |
expiryMonth | string The month of expiration of the card. |
{- "merchantShopperReference": "f5819e1a-b759-494b-b1f4-c7b3bafafd7c",
- "tokenType": "Recurring",
- "cardholderName": "Mr Joe Doe",
- "expiryYear": "25",
- "expiryMonth": "12"
{- "status": "FAILURE",
- "responseCode": "U01",
- "reasonDescription": "Internal Server Error."
Encypts all the card details with the security service, stores them returns the created token
authorization required | string Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
Request body for endpoint taking card details, stores them and returns created token
merchantShopperReference | string <uuid> A unique identifier that can be provided to link a token key to a specific merchant customer. |
tokenType required | string (tokenTypeEnum) Enum: "Recurring" "OneClickPayment" The type of the payment that uses tokenization |
required | object (registerTokenizedCardInformation) |
{- "merchantShopperReference": "f5819e1a-b759-494b-b1f4-c7b3bafafd7c",
- "tokenType": "Recurring",
- "cardInformation": {
- "cardholderName": "Mr Joe Doe",
- "brand": "Visa",
- "cardNumber": "4124356798123456",
- "expiryYear": "25",
- "expiryMonth": "12"
{- "token": "31434579-84a2-43d4-aa59-236f86aabebf",
- "tokenType": "Recurring",
- "merchantShopperReference": "jane_at_global_shop",
- "cardInformation": {
- "cardholderName": "Mr Joe Doe",
- "brand": "Visa",
- "firstDigits": "412435",
- "lastDigits": "5412",
- "expiryYear": "25",
- "expiryMonth": "12"
}, - "outcome": {
- "status": "FAILURE",
- "responseCode": "U01",
- "reasonDescription": "Internal Server Error."
ApplePay Services This section contains the endpoints required by merchants to enable them to accept ApplePay payments.
Creates an ApplePay Merchant Session to use for payment processing.
mid required | string The unique identifier issued to the merchant by Truevo. |
tid required | string The identity of the terminal utilised in the transaction. |
domain required | string The registered domain of the merchant. |
{- "mid": "string",
- "tid": "string",
- "domain": ""
{- "appleSession": "{\\\"epochTimestamp\\\":1649177537797,\\\"expiresAt\\\":1649181137797,\\\"merchantSessionIdentifier\\\":\\\"SSHF71D00F17933461DAC45B068B65DE1BD_916523AAED1343F5BC5815E12BEE9250AFFDC1A17C46B0DE5A943F0F94927C24\\\",\\\"nonce\\\":\\\"14a4fe69\\\",\\\"merchantIdentifier\\\":\\\"1D867D2918895F195CF99A0BCCA8B3E63C0AB3FC997F254501617482BBCF21F9\\\",\\\"domainName\\\":\\\"fd5eaedd-7d85-44c0-a49c-b3946d13c728\\\",\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"Mimi\\\",\\\"signature\\\":\\\"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\\\",\\\"operationalAnalyticsIdentifier\\\":\\\"Mimi:1D867D2918895F195CF99A0BCCA8B3E63C0AB3FC997F254501617482BBCF21F9\\\",\\\"retries\\\":0,\\\"pspId\\\":\\\"1D867D2918895F195CF99A0BCCA8B3E63C0AB3FC997F254501617482BBCF21F9\\\"}",
- "outcome": {
- "status": "PENDING",
- "responseCode": "00",
- "reasonDescription": "ApplePay session created."
Initiates automated reversals on behalf of merchants in the event of communication failures, system issues or client-side clean up functions.
This endpoint will initiate a reversal process using the Merchant Reference to identify the transaction to reverse.
merchantReference required | string Example: 123 The unique reference value allocated by the merchant to identify a transaction. |
mid required | string The unique identifier issued to the merchant. |
tid required | string The identity of the terminal utilised in the transaction. |
{- "mid": "string",
- "tid": "string"
{- "transactionUniqueIdentifier": "5333e985-4779-456c-8ac3-a69d89c920e1",
- "merchantReference": "8884-001",
- "outcome": {
- "status": "PENDING",
- "reasonDescription": "Reversal successfully initiated"
Retrieve details required to process transactions subsequent to successful processing of the original transaction.
transactionUniqueIdentifier required | string Example: transactionUniqueIdentifier=693559D9-3976-4B66-994E-DBDB7C1E6C4A The unique identifier of the transaction for which you want to view the details. |
authorization required | string Example: bearer token Bearer token used to authenticate the request. |
{- "paymentDetails": {
- "isCaptureAllowed": false,
- "isRefundAllowed": true,
- "isReverseAllowed": false,
- "availableForCapture": 0,
- "availableForRefund": 100
}, - "outcome": {
- "status": "PENDING",
- "responseCode": "00",
- "reasonDescription": "Payment Details Retrieved."
Retrieve a single metadata record for the card specified by the Primary Account Number (PAN), Bank Identification Number (BIN) or token
object Request for the relevant card information | |
simple (integer) or card_payouts (integer) or full (integer) (binLookupRequestFormat) |
[- {
- "source": {
- "type": "card",
- "number": "123456789"
}, - "format": "full"
{- "rangeDetails": [
- {
- "lowRange": [
- 4123820000000000000
], - "highRange": [
- 4123830000000000000
], - "brandName": [
- "Visa"
], - "countryOfIssue": {
- "countryName": [
], - "countryAlphaCode": [
- "UK"
], - "countryAlpha3Code": [
- "GBR"
], - "countryNumericCode": [
- 826