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Five Top Business Podcasts

2022 04 12 ecommerce business podcasts

We’ve talked about setting up a podcast, choosing a name and platform and general do’s and don’ts. Before we dive into kicking off your podcast let’s have a look at some successful podcasts and why they work to illustrate some of the points we’ve made before. 

The Gary Vee Audio Experience

Gary Vaynerchuk has a sparkling personality. Not only can he entertain you for hours but he will inform you of a whole new way of thinking about business and entrepreneurship. He provides listeners with a unique blend of interviews and talks with some of today’s most impressive thinkers and celebrities. Some of his guests include actress Jessica Alba and NASCAR driver Kyle Busch. A peek into some of the subjects he talks about includes 6 Tips for crushing the sales game and Drop one loser friend. He is an excellent example of a compelling personality presenting top of mind topics. 

The Tim Ferris Show

Tim is the well-known author of The 4 Hour Workweek. Users have downloaded more than 700+ million episodes according to his blog page. Now that’s what we call an audience! He talks about How to say “No” gracefully and uncommit; Tim Ferriss goes to a Maximum security prison and he has hosted celebrities like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bill Burr. His angle is to take listeners behind the scenes to provide a look at the things they need to know to excel and improve themselves. Although it is not exclusively a business or entrepreneurial show, it provides various insights people can apply to both their work and personal lives. 

Tony Robbins and Guy Raz 

Both these presenters take their audience behind the scenes of big brands and how they are built. The Tony Robbins podcast speaks to people who want to really improve their businesses, relationships, finances and health. He brings an industry mastermind to the table in each episode to find out what they have to do to grow brands like Skype, Hypergiant and Bulletproof to what they are today. 

Guy Raz’s How I built this takes a similar approach and puts listeners behind the scenes of how LinkedIn, Warby Parker, Wikipedia and FUBU were built. It helps entrepreneurs understand what it takes to build a reputable, global brand from the ground up. 

Entrepreneurs on Fire 

Presented by John Lee Dumas, this podcast has received the Best of Apple Podcasts Award and has over 2500 episodes with 85 million downloads. They publish an episode every day, which takes some doing. You’ll find inspirational stories of how big entrepreneurs like Tony Robbins, Tim Ferras and Seth Godin built their empires to gain financial freedom and basically take over the world. Just joking 🙂

The list of hosts who interview the creators of famous brands and businesses is endless. Depending on what you are looking for, you can find almost anything. We wanted to suggest something slightly different with our next recommendation. 

The $100 MBA SHOW

The entrepreneurial world is filled with people who don’t actually have a degree, never mind an MBA. Host Omar Zenhom focuses on this target market and shares how to actually run a business well. Topics include the run of the mill ‘how to build a business’, and ‘how to grow your business’, but you’ll find much more training and useful business guides in the daily episodes. Apple considers it one of the best podcasts out there with a rating of 4,9 out of 5 from iTunes. 

These are some of the millions of podcasts out there. Truevo has just started our own podcast journey. Join us on our journey to see how we grow. Click on the link below to hear our latest episode on Who is Truevo. 

If you’d like to talk to us about anything payments, get in touch. We can’t wait to talk business with you.

Picture of Saskia Schuldig
Saskia Schuldig
Content Marketer at Truevo Payments
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