Listen: Truevo’s CEO, David Liu, Discusses Customer Service with the BBC

2021 10 08 bbc david customer service

[1-minute read]

“At the end of the day, we do business with people, not technology.” With each beat of Truevo’s heart, this message is affirmed by our CEO, David Liu. Advances to AI, bots, and algorithms continue to make leaps and bounds, but sometimes, all a customer wants is to speak to a person. David recently had a conversation with the BBC’s Will Bain, where the two got to the nitty gritty of the AI versus human approach to customer service. 

Take a listen to this clip and let us know what your thoughts are. “When it comes to money, it’s very personal,” David says. Do you prefer hashing out concerns with a chat bot, or getting on a call with a person who can hopefully walk you through an issue to a solution? 

At Truevo, we strive to offer a balanced approach to service. Sometimes, automation is more preferable and removes elements of human error. Other times, a call with a friendly Truevo team member is a better solution. Either way, we’re here to help you reach your business goals in whatever way serves you best. 

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Truevo Payments
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